It goes by many names, but whether it is called CEIP or PACE, it means the same thing – using property taxes to amortize clean energy improvements over a long period of time.  

Alberta’s new Clean Energy Improvement Program (“CEIP”) is synonymous with other jurisdiction’s Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) programs.  Through CEIP, homeowners and business owners can complete clean energy improvements, such as installing solar panels, without paying the upfront cost of solar panels.

By using a low-interest loan paid back over a very long period, it is possible to be cashflow positive after installing solar panels.  That is to say, the energy savings from a home solar power system can be greater than the cost of the loan and low interest payments.

CEIP can cover up to 100% of eligible project costs and provide immediate profit.  A wonderful thing.

The program is allowed across Alberta, but must be adopted by respective municipalities as payments are tied to property taxes.

Details on CEIP

The details on CEIP / PACE are not fully known or released yet.  Please stay up to date with this page for when new information becomes available.


It is anticipated that up to 100% of eligible expenses can be put onto your residential or commercial property taxes for clean energy improvements, including the solar panel installations.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses are unknown at this time.


Eligible Applicants

Applicants must be a home or business in a municipality that has allowed CEIP legislation. A preliminary list is detailed below. Further details surrounding eligibility are not known at this time

 How to Use CEIP

Certified Installer for CEIP      

Kuby Energy has been a certified installer for all residential and commercial solar grant programs to date.  If you would like to take advantage of the Clean Energy Improvement Program (aka CEIP aka PACE) or would like the most up to date information, please contact Kuby Energy.

Kuby Energy offers other long-term financing of solar power systems if CEIP is not desired.

Municipalities Adopting CEIP / PACE

Many municipalities have put legislation in place to adopt the Clean Energy Improvement Program.  

The following is a list of municipalities that are in the process of passing bylaws/resolutions to allow homes and businesses to use CEIP.  More work is still required in many of these areas before CEIP can be applied for.  

1.   Edmonton – The City of Edmonton will be one of the first municipalities to roll out CEIP through a 2-year pilot program that will fund 80 homes and 20 businesses.  Edmonton has received funding for CEIP to develop and launch the program in early 2021.

2.   St. Albert

3.   Canmore

4.   Red Deer

5.   Drayton Valley

6.   Brazeau County

7.   Hinton

8.   Devon

9.  Sturgeon County

10.  Athabasca

11.  Rocky Mountain House


The list of municipalities is ever evolving so don’t fret if your town is not shown here, or better yet – call your local councilors and ask to have a CEIP bylaw passed!

The program is administered through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC).

Who Pays for Clean Energy Improvement Program?

But why should my tax dollars go towards funding this?

They won’t unless you choose to install clean energy improvements.

Municipalities respond to demand from constituents. Many folks see value in reducing GHG emissions and saving utility costs through energy efficiency measures and home solar power installations.

One concern is that this will result in higher taxes for everyone.  This is not the case as the program is voluntary – only those that want clean energy upgrades or solar panels installed will pay more on their taxes.  

Municipalities will either use existing capital to finance the projects, use third-party investors or use grants to front the capital investment.  For example, the City of Edmonton was recently awarded a grant of $9.6Mn from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to start the CEIP Program.




The Clean Energy Improvement Program(CEIP), is a financing tool that allows residential and commercial property owners to install energy efficiency and solar energy projects with long term financing paid through their property taxes.

Long term solar financing allows home and business owners to be cashflow positive or pay very little for clean energy and solar power installations.

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