System size:
Solar panels:
Edmonton, AB
Install type:
Mount type:
Roof mount array

Solar Power Installation Summary

Kuby Energy completed an extremely difficult project with multiple faces, tilts and azimuths on a very steep, high roof in Edmonton.

Steep roof tilts generate more energy per module, but may come with added solar installation costs due to the additional safety precautions required. The installation was completed using man-lifts and scaffolding to reach otherwise dangerous areas. Cedar shake roofs typically take longer to install solar panels relative to asphalt or standing seam metal roofs, but is still doable using special mounting flashings.

The homeowner requested as much solar energy generation as possible, as is evident from the thorough placement spanning 9 different roof areas. Multiple azimuths and tilts will create vast amounts of energy throughout every hour of the day.

Southeast facing modules will create much energy in the morning hours, and Southwest facing solar panels will create most energy in the evenings when consumption is the highest. Steep tilts create lots of solar energy during the winter months when the sun is lower in the sky whereas shallow tilts create most energy in the summer when the sun is highest in the sky.

Module-level power electronics (DC Optimizers) further enhances the solar harvest of this amazing home in Edmonton.

Designing your home for solar prior to construction is an effective way to optimize the aesthetic of the array as well as the solar energy generation potential of your roof.

The solar power system was installed, in-full, by Kuby Renewable Energy.

Solar Panels on Cedar Shake Roofing EdmontonSolar Panels in Edmonton on Cedar Shake Roof

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Commercial solar panels installation by Kuby Energy