System size:
Solar panels:
429 total solar panels
Beaver Lake Cree Nation
Install type:
Mount type:
Roof mount array

First Nation Solar Power

Beaver Lake Cree Nation sought to develop solar power installations throughout their community providing financial, economic and social benefits. In total 6 buildings are to have solar power systems installed offsetting incredible amounts of C02 annually.

In total 429 solar panels were installed generating over 156kW of solar power.

Amisk School

The project started with an initial phase on the Amisk Community School. The project was separated into two parts, the first being on the libraries flat roof, the second being on the school. The separation occurred in congruence with Alberta Indigenous Solar Program (AISP) Funding.

The school has 24.9kW of solar power installed over 2 roof faces. The solar panels are on a sloped roof as well as flat roof.

Kuby Energy provided in class and on site training to local community members. The students of the Amisk Community School will be learning from devices powered by the sun. This groundbreaking First Nation solar project is one of the first to receive funding from the Alberta Indigenous Solar Program. It is a true testament of what a community can accomplish when they come together.

Phase I features 30 Canadian Solar panels ballast mounted at 10 degrees oriented due south for optimum solar harvest. The ballast mounting method negates the need for any roof penetrations thus leaving the roof warranty intact.
Extensive electrical work was required by Kuby Renewable Energy in order to safely handle the new solar PV loads. Both Phase I and Phase II buildings were signed off by 3rd Party Professional Engineers registered with APEGA.

64 Canadian Solar modules were installed for Phase II in July 2017 bringing the total capacity to 24.9kW. The array will produce upwards of 24,000kWh/yr and will provide clean energy for the students of Amisk Community School.

This solar array will offset over 15 tons of carbon emissions EVERY YEAR.

Health Centre

The BLCN Health Centre received 79 x 275W solar panels for a total generating capacity of 20.5kW. The solar panels are mounted on the roof of the building and interconnected to the main distribution centre.

The solar panels were installed on three separate roof faces, generating solar energy throughout all hours of the day. The solar array complements the indigenous architecture.

Admin Building

The admin building was well designed for solar panels. A single large face pointed southeast will provide ample solar energy for the community's needs. 51 x 385W solar panels were installed on the Admin Building for a total generating capacity of 19.6kW.

The panels were mounted to the standing seam metal roof and did not require any new roof penetrations.


Kids at the BLCN Daycare will grow up seeing sustainability every day.

The daycare features 31 x 385W modules for a total solar capacity of 11.9kW.

Treatment Centre Dormitory

Similar to the Health Centre, solar panels on the dorm building compliment the architecture of the building providing solar energy throughout the day. The array features 44 x 385W solar panels for a total generating capacity of 16.9kW.

Community Hall

BLCN community functions are now powered by the sun. The hall has the largest solar power system within the community using 96 x 385W solar panels for a total capacity of 37.0kW.

Busy Beaver Store

The store is the final solar project completed within this community installment. The store recently underwent an expansion and received a clean energy facelift. The store features 64 x 400W solar panels for a total generating capacity of 25.6kW.

Beaver Lake Cree Nation Solar PanelsBeaver Lake Cree Nation Solar PanelsBeaver Lake Cree Nation Solar PanelsBLCN Solar Power SystemFirst Nation Solar PanelsFirst Nation Solar Power SystemFirst Nation Solar Panels

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Commercial solar panels installation by Kuby Energy